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My Interests

    alternative medicines
    new age

alternative medicines

In my opinion the "normal" health-care only provides cure and help for a part of all the health problems people encounter. My feeling is that such "alternative" therapies as acupuncture and homeopathy can be very helpfull. I have no education on these areas, but am an interested layman.
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Tony Cragg


".....the artist contributes to an understanding of the world. He is simply a very small fragment of the universe. Torn between himself and his images he is a grain of organic material in an universe where man cannot grasp his own insignificance. Trying to transcend his own smallness, using all his power to do so - like an eagle - the artist is constantly torn between two feelings: his smallness in time and space on the one hand, and his eagles greatness on the other". (read in a book called Tony Cragg, page 17, written by Germano Celat).

    I'm still convinced contemporary art is divided in three parts: art to watch, art to be part of and art to scare you away. I've learned this last form of art is called shock-art.
    Last year I acquired my own studio in Delft, in a building that is called Bacinol. I work there as much as possible. The theme I'm working on is about impeccability. My work can be viewed at sculptures
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astrological sites

astrology agenda and other information


I'm not a believer. I use astrology to get a quick insight in the person who is looking for help, guidance or an explanation. And it has never failed me so far. I still remember the outcry of a collague of whom I had explained her chart. She said: "That took me thirty years to discover, and you see it in a chart and know it in an hour!!" Well, that's astrology.
I myself am a Cancer, but only just. My ascendant is Scorpio. But anyone who wants to know more, look at my horoscope.

    There are impressive astrological sites on the web. Look in the list yourself! There is also an overview of the international conferences, conventions, etc. made by Tees Reitsma. For the dutch reading astrology-minded people there is an astrology agenda and other information available on seniorweb.


The JavaScript Source

The Universal Currency Converter


I completly discarded webdesign. My life at the moment doesn't allow me to sit for hours behind the computer and figure out how to do this or that. And webdesigning lost its function since Henk died. The last but not least reason I stopped is that I have to learn PHP and without the help of Henk, I will have a tremendous job there. I'm not sure I ever could conquer it. So I didn't seriously start trying. I do use PHP instead of SSI, which is not difficult and workable.
    At times people who chat talk in riddles, this is called nettalk, used to type less and feel as a true internetadapt!
On internet you can buy almost anything. Bookshops are favourite! A problem is the different currency that often is used. The site of The Universal Currency Converter™ helps me to find the dutch guilders price of a product. Maybe it can help you too?
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new age


  I'm interested in all kinds of new age topics. In The Netherlands exists a compilation of topics of this subject, called the Klikgids. For those who understand dutch it is worth while!


Kokopelli Arts Webdesign I did it!!  created by M.Y. Widdershoven, M.D. / sculptor


last modified: 15 februari 2006 © Copyright 1998-2006